Welcome to Right Click Fix, I’m Andy Winter and I’ve been repairing computers around South Shields and the region since 2001 but professionally since 2007 when Right Click Fix was formed out of getting busier and going self-employed. I’ve been going out to peoples homes, businesses, schools, factories and wherever computer help is needed and sorted problems out without walking away not being able to fix it!
In January 2023 I closed Right Click Fix a business due to the domestic need for my services dwindling to virtually nothing and I’ve had jobs from 2020 onwards but I still keep the site up so my long standing customers can still rely on me and anyone else, especially older people who are vulnerable to scammers! So if you need someone knowledgeable who can trust give me a call and I’ll sort out your problem or advise as best as I can on the way forward!
If I miss a call please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as I don’t carry my mobile around in my hand waiting for calls and get a lot of requests for advice and spam callers. If you don’t like leaving messages just call back later.
What I do
PC’s and laptop repairs, diagnosis, hardware and software and anything related! I’ve fixed thermostat’s for growers, nail drying machine’s and loads more so don’t be stuck! There’s no harm in asking!
What I don’t do
Phone’s, tablets and any other disposable devices that take time up for little reward. Consoles are usually HDMI port jobs and for the time and effort involved it’s not worth my time due to costs.